Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Returning to Our Lands (Please watch!)

Four months after returning to the States, it's easy for me to forget a lot of what I experienced last year. Fortunately, yesterday I found this video on a friend's facebook wall. It features the communities I visited in Colombia and explains their situation probably far better than I ever have. The places shown here are still fresh enough in my memory that watching this video puts me right back in them. I remember details of being there that I thought had long escaped me, like the feel of the air, the taste of the coffee, the way some people laughed, the wrinkles on their faces. Many of the speakers in the video were people I worked with directly as well, and I know they speak on behalf of hundreds more. They tell their stories with the hope that someone will listen and actually care, that their struggles won't go unnoticed in the wider world.

Which is why videos like this, small and short as they are, are so important:
Returning to Our Lands

I'm so grateful for this reminder of a place and people close to my heart!

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